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Your 'Nurture' programme sounds good, but I've no time

Sounds a great programme but I've no time to do it

Maybe you've seen me chatting about my offer 'Nurture' and you're thinking there is no way you can find time in your hectic life to work on how you want your midlife and beyond to look. No time for your self care, finding time for you in order to feel nourished, nurtured, or to take back control of your menopausal symptoms and thrive. Well you deserve better than feeling exhausted from having you low on your priority list in your hectic life.

I completely see you. In 2018 I was that woman yet again, to the point I just had to stop and rest and then begin to create the midlife and beyond I want. Despite exhaustion, rushing around doing it all (so I thought!) my hectic life just wasn't working. I realised I wasn't living the life of my dreams I promised myself and the exhaustion of burning the candle at both ends needed to change.

I set about future proofing my wellness, help myself manage my post menopausal symptoms from a neglected perimenopause. 

My life does get hectic but I now notice my triggers and get ferociously self protective with focusing on my needs. This is to ensure I'm keeping my calm on and living life from as full a cup as possible and keep working on creating a midlife and beyond that I truly love.

Here's what I'd say to having no time for you. So long as you're not at the bottom of your priority list, you're in control of your midlife, on top of your fluctuating menopausal symptoms, taking rest breaks as needed, future-proofing your wellness and taking care of everything else while you 'pour from a fullish cup' then I bow my hat to you and well done.

If not, then it's time to sign up to my Nurture programme and build routines that help you to thrive in midlife and beyond. Ready? Hop on a free 30 minute chat to ensure the Nurture programme is right for you.

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