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Consistent habits bring success!

I did it! Consistent habits helped me build strength.

This post is not a boast but to be an inspiration for anyone who is struggling with perimenopause or post menopause symptoms. My journey for 16 or more years of it was heartbreaking. That's for another day. Now I want to let you know that you can achieve so much with setting goals and creating habits and being consistent.
It's been a 4 year wait but I did it!
On Friday I lifted my first 20kg weight (the pole I'm holding) ever on these dumbells. There was a long journey to get to this point. 
Four years ago when I joined Medfit rehabilitation clinic I had no strength in my arms. Menopause had a lot to do with that and lack of knowledge around exercise for midlife. When shopping I had to do the shop in 3 or more sessions. I could only carry so much or push a shopping trolley with only some of the shopping. It meant I had to return to the same shop a few times like I was an idiot who forgot loads of her shop. To make it worse, at night, I'd spend most of it awake in pain especially in my legs.
Fast forward 4 years and I'm constantly blown away by the progress in the midst of great personal trauma, post menopause issues, a broken right shoulder (in 3 places in 2019) and osteopenia and arthritis. It was heartbreaking how ill I was and yet all I got from doctors was there was nothing wrong with me. I had lost so much muscle mass but it was a time when doctors dismissed your perimenopausal and post menopausal symptoms, at least in my case.
Don' let menopause /perimenopause keep you down. I worked consistently (most of the time!), have the most wonderful team around me and we set and review goals regularly.
My fantastic coach/mentor motivates me to be my very best. I couldn't have done it without him and of course Tony paying for me to join and supporting me on the journey when I thought giving up was easier.


1:1 30 minute free midlife taster session

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