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11 things that happen in a consultation with me you may not know

11 things in a nutrition and lifestyle 1:1 session with me you may not know

Several people have asked me what is it like to work with me on a 10 week personalised nutrition and lifestyle programme. Here are 11 things that happen when you are on your first 1:1 session . 

I've spent many years in sessions where I wish I'd never signed up, both in the domineering nature, the strict "laws" and the unhelpful nature of the person. I remember one of the many times when I was scared to within an inch of my life of eating most food. To the point that when I retuned to the nutritional professional in a hospital she begged me to eat fruit cake, just eat. I had lost so much weight it terrified her. Along which she said people do only 80% of what she asks and hadn't expected me to 100%. She didn't make a second appointment. Anyway I've lots of similiar stories. I was hormonal not over eating!

The point is I hated the way I was treated. It was one of the reasons I went off to study nutritional therapy to help myself. 

Along with nutritional and lifestyle tips I also use coaching skills to help you make the shifts to thrive in midlife and beyond. I can't, and wouldn't, promise you'll be back to yourself again fully. What I do is help you make the shifts to set goals and work towards achieving whatever your goals are.

Does this resonate with you? if you want to sign up then check out my free midlife taster session and let's get started.