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The best walnut butter ever cos it's homemade and sweetened with molasses

homemade walnut butter

Nearly embarrassing the number of ingredients but the end result makes this an invaluable recipe to let you in on. Trust me it's so tasty. Now this recipe is very straightforward. If you want a recipe for soaking your nuts, dehydrating and then making up your nut butter then that is an entirely different matter. Definitely in the latter far more nutrients are absorbed and is a great option for any of you who have trouble digesting nuts, but oh my it does takes a while. Let me know if you want a recipe on it.  

And now... let's get started. Walnuts are a good source of plant based Omega 3 and what better way than with a healthy & nutritious spread.

Walnut butter is ideal to have on standby, you can add it to soups or as a tasty quick snack with organic (unsalted) rice crackers.  I'm sure you can think of lots more uses. I'm getting into the habit of making my own butters much more now. It's difficult to find a nice walnut butter. Plus the price being charged makes making your own the perfect option for your pocket as well. What do you think, are you game on to try it? 


  • 250g walnuts
  • 1/4 tsp organic molasses 

Dry roast the walnuts on a pan. This only takes about 2-3 minutes or less. Use a spatula to regularly move them around so they don't burn.

Spoon the walnuts into a food processor. 

Once in the food processor whizz up for up to 5 minutes until a creamy soft butter is formed. 

As the food processor is churning away the walnuts will turn into a breadcrumb texture. Stop the machine and use a large spoon to scrape away the walnut that has edged up the processor. Process again until it turns wet. Repeat this step of scraping down the sides of the processor until the walnuts are turned into butter. 

Soon a creamy buttery-textured walnut butter will appear. Now is the time to add in the molasses, start with 1/2 teaspoon and add in more if you have to. If you keep it slightly savoury then you can use is in both savoury and sweet snacks or meals. 

It'll be slightly warm at this stage so leave it to cool down then spoon into a mason jar. Let it cool down completely then refrigerate. 

One major tip is to buy walnuts you like eating. They all vary in taste, so be sure as you're intensifying the flavour.

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