Post Menopause: Know the difference between what's normal or just common

You may be thinking as you age it's ok to be
Remember; You're post menopausal not a workhorse.
By working with me you could;
- highly stressed as you hold down a career or business, caring for elderly parents or rearing your children
- putting up with the hot flushes and night sweats and poor sleep, or,
- even spending your day looking after everyone else's needs
- grabbing quick meals on the go. It's common but not normal
Remember; You're post menopausal not a workhorse.
By working with me you could;
- Learn to bring more calmness into your day with practical tips
- Use what you eat to fuel you and not trigger symptoms e.g. hot flushes and night sweats
- Create a sleep audit to aid with quality sleep
- Discover what your priorities are and aim for those
Does this resonate?
Check out my Nurture is a 1:1 x 4 week package aimed at empowering you in post menopause to fuel your body, nurture your soul, ignite your energy. It’s about you setting you up to thrive boldly.
Comment or DM me the word ‘Nurture’ and I’ll send you the link to find out more details and sign up for a free 30 minute chat to find out if it is right for you.