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Next step in my HRT journey: Week 1 & 2 of oestrogel

My menopausal journey - oestrogel

In short, Oestrogel is the systemic body-identical oestrogen medication that is prescribed to help with the menopausal symptoms due to the loss/reduction/flucatations of our own oestrogen during perimenopause and beyond

My Menopause Journey and the start of HRT

It's amazing after 13 years post menopause to think that I'm finally using testogel since November last year (2021). I was denied any hormone replacement therapy (HRT) discussion with my doctors because of possible blot clots, not to mention the cancer risk. Finally I had my first appointment with a BMS accredited GP in November (2021) and started right then. The testogel was showing benefits in terms of mojo and energy but was short lived as the October trauma which tore me apart happened so after an initial 'bounce' in energy and mojo I've only experienced a sliver of the energy etc since. I'm probably just still recovering from the trauma.

Onwards to 2 weeks ago in January 2022, I was prescribed Oestrogel and Androfemme (testosterone for women) and the testosterone for men removed.

Within a couple of days of starting the Oestrogel and Androfemme my gut waged war on me with, loss of appetite, tummy aches and pains and feeling nauseous, , all the time, a lingering headache, to name a few of the symptoms. Then along them searing leg pain which has been keeping me awake a lot at night so ending up with haphazard sleep. I'm a wreck, crabby and angry with the world, out of sorts. Not sure if this leg pain is related but hoping it might be. I was only forewarned about the gut issues.

Luckily, although little late, this week I eventually remembered my 'magic gut' tea that I've used for years. I created it when my gut went through hell as I trundled along the menopause transition. Once I had a few cups of my 'magic gut tea' at the weekend my gut had improved by the next day and back to eating better and now just stuck with loss of appetite, headaches and the leg pain.  

Oestrogel benefit so far: 

One huge benefit starting Oestrogel I've found is that the simmering and nagging anxiety pecking away at me constantly in the background from the start of perimenopause seems to have vanished. I hope for good. I have a lovely vacuum which I'm enjoying, leaves room for better. 

Let's hope those two will ease too. 


So far so good, well as long as the side effects are short-lived and I can enjoy even more benefits.  

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