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Life is not meant to be wasted.

life is too short to be wasted
No doubt you know by now that one of my pet hates is when people believe they have a right to judge others using their age. Or worse limit their job prospects, advancements because of a chronological number.

I’ve seen over the last decade how people in their late 40s and 50s and older are considered “too old” to stay working. Somehow they have spent decades building up their expertise. Then like a light is switched off they are no longer considered valuable or useful.

It is heart breaking to see how upset they are. It is unjust and unfair. Rather than give the reason they are nudged out stealthily. Age or menopausal symptoms should never be the reason you are pushed or feel you have to leave. Seek the help you need.

And of course there is the couple of bus conductors who asked for my old age pensioner bus pass. Then get annoyed when I try to pay. I mean really, this was in my early 50s.

Or another one is that don’t worry about your wrinkles Marian sure you’re ill. Like being ill means you shouldn’t work to look your best.

I was called “a woman of a certain age” recently. I wanted to employ this fella’s services but he was struggling to converse because of my age! After that comment I wouldn’t have him work for free.

Really folks unless we stand up to this crap it will continue. As I’ve said before I want to work until I drop dead. 🌱I want to build my business way beyond where it is right now. The plans for it to help midlife women are awesome.

🌱I want you to navigate the perimenopause with ease. I want you to rock your post menopause so you are thriving better than when you were younger. I want you to look in the mirror and put you thumb up in approval.

The reason? A chronological number should never define you. Or as the song goes “life is not meant to be wasted….”

If any of this resonates with you and you feel I can help, feel free to DM me for a chat. I’d love to help you navigate your menopause journey with ease.

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