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Be micro-ambitious for You

Be micro ambitious for you
Is it time to build healthful habits that work for you and your midlife lifestyle?
Get the basics right so you have a solid foundation to work with
Women I chat with over coffee about menopause and midlife whether it is on nutrition or other issues they often apologise for
  • adding marshmallows to their hot chocolate or
  • hate to admit to eating chocolate every day or
  • eating too many chips (what's too many) or
  • I don't normally eat this but...,
  • I'm not stressed but I want tips on reducing stress for when they might need them, while it is clear that they are highly stressed. The list needless to say goes on
Well let it be known now that I eat chocolate daily, Im a Dr Coyaholic! I love my homemade truffles, yes I eat chips and if I didn't have my toolkit on stress I'd be a crumbling wreck in this present madness.

My job is to meet you where You are at and to help and guide you make healthful choices that benefit and support you to live your life better. The whole point is that it helps you to move, even if that is micro steps, to thriving.

You can't surprise me with either the volume or type of food you eat or that you haven't exercised in years or whatever. So long as there is a willingness from you to take action I will help you.

We collaborate and create a playbook (toolkit) together, that you are happy to work with and fits in with your life. If you need more help then do more sessions. I do have a 6 week accountability session but that's if you want help applying it into practice.

As a registered nutritional therapist I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to help you make progressive tweaks to your lifestyle and nutrition.
I help you get the basics right so you have a solid foundation to work with and improve upon. If you need a different type of consultation then I will refer you on. I don't want to take your money if I believe at this point in time a referral is of more benefit to you.

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