Will I see you at the 'Finding you again in menopause' masterclass?

Looking back, my perimenopause symptoms began at least by age 38 and by 43 I was post menopausal. I had worked tirelessly throughout that time to get answers, to no avail. I was tested for various medical conditions and allergies. When nothing showed up I was fobbed off with excuses such as, I was too young to be menopausal, my symptoms could be thyroid issues, stress or due to my kidney transplant (I’d lost both kidneys suddenly in my early twenties and luckily received a transplant nine months later).
At the time there were no perimenopause symptom checkers, sites devoted to perimenopause or menopause resources or women’s stories that I could refer to, and find answers or a way forward. At age 46, I began to worry as my menstrual cycle had ceased to exist for years. Blood tests were done yet again only to be told that I hadn’t even began perimenopause. At this stage I was frustrated and banged my arm down on the GP’s desk and demanded to know what was wrong with me, seeing as I hadn’t had a period in so long. The GP, at the time, looked at the results again and concluded I was post menopause. And that was it. No discussion, advice or direction on how to look after my bone health, muscles, heart health, sleep, nutrition and lifestyle changes or any other help.
In the years that followed I got lost myself in the struggle to look after my health. It took years and nothing really changed until I prioritise my needs, set plans to deal with my major health issues. Then, I began to find myself again and live my life on my terms and started to thrive.
So I want to share my knowledge with you.
I'm hosting a FREE one hour webinar where I'll be sharing tips on two of my favourite topics;
- Winding down to sleep tips
- How to pinpoint the nutrition loophole robbing you of energy that is hampering your steps to thrive in midlife and beyond.
The webinar happens Wednesday, 2nd November 2022, live on Zoom.
This webinar will be fully interactive so this is your chance to ask me questions and pick my brains.
Will I see you at the webinar? Because there's a seat with your name on it.
Sign up now and even if you can't make it live you'll be sent a replay to watch back in your own time (masterclass available for a month after the event).
Marian x